Monthly archive for July 2016

There are Numerous Benefits to Owning a Corrugator Machine

It is usually starch additives that give adhesives greater bonding power. For corrugated plants that rely on starch additives adhesive process, utilizing an advanced starch-mixing system, such as the FlexaMix, provides numerous advantages, such as: Eliminating complete reliance on starch additives Lessening the rate of starch consumption

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How Liquid Borax Can Improve Starch Applications

Borax has been known in civilizations for thousands of years, having first been discovered in Tibet in its dry lake beds. It occurs naturally in deposits produced by seasonal lakes as their waters evaporate and then replenish over the seasons. Turkey, Chile, Bolivia, and California are where

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Starch Additives Help Enrich Adhesive Bonds

Adhesives play a major role in modern technologies. It is well-known that adhesives that fail can have catastrophic consequences on life and property. Therefore, it is critical that bonding adhesives provide a strong, durable bond. Starch additives are used to enrich the properties of these materials. Corrugated

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